What makes spaces susceptible and receptive? Which materials can achieve that? Do we think spaces as containers? Or do we think them as volumes? Shall we consider a form for susceptible spaces or do we need a different approach?
In groups, we work out experiments in which an ecological approach is pursued both in dealing with space and material. In this respect, ecological does not mean just working on sustainable ways in nature, but rather thinking in interrelations and systems. We will deal with material-led generative processes based on accessible and extensible examples, while questioning object-oriented approaches and their dichotomy of form and content.
In the first week of the module, we will work out our own conceptions of space and interactions between materials and space to serve as models for further development. The second week serves to implement the hands-on experiments and earned experiences in the most appropriate scale into an installation piece.
Tutors: Clemens Winkler and Roman Kirschner